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How we treat your information and biometric data
Informatie over GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation.
Information to be provided to visa applicants regarding the processing in the Visa Information System (VIS) of personal data communicated with the short-stay visa application
Privacy statement. Verwerking van persoonsgegevens in het kader van een visumaanvraag
Why are the biometrical data registered?
Biometric data have become part of the normal procedure for any visa application (Schengen and long stay). Collecting your biometrical data allow you to be identified as the only entitled holder of this visa. It protects you against falsification or identity theft (in case of theft or loss of passport for example) and will facilitate the crossing of the outer Schengen borders.
The procedure to take fingerprints is easy and discrete. The applicant will only have to place his or her fingers on the digital scanner. If he or she wants to reapply for a Belgian visa D within ten years after this registration, new finger printing will not be required. Only in case the diplomatic or consular post has doubts about your identity, or if you are no longer exempt, your biometrical data will be registered (again). A new digital photograph will be taken on every new application though.
Applicants aged six and older will have to be fingerprinted and photographed.
Holders of a diplomatic or service passport and their family members, who are accredited or assigned to a diplomatic or consular mission in Belgium or who hold office with an international organization which has its seat or representation in Belgium, will be exempt from taking fingerprints.
Storage of biometric data
Your biometric data (fingerprints and picture) are kept for 10 years. Therefore, you will not need to register them again if you apply for a new Belgian visa D within 10 years of registration. Please note that these biometrical data for a visa D (national visa) cannot be used if you are applying for a Schengen Visa (short stay).
Protection of biometric data
The registration of your biometric data is processed in compliance with the EU-Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of, and access to, personal data